Your Oradell weather forecast for Wednesday, Jun 29 - Sunday, Jul 3
[Write a short paragraph of copy here about the weather]
Weather outlook for Wednesday, Jun 29 - Sunday, Jul 3
Wednesday June 29
Clear throughout the day.
High: 87° Low: 67° with a 8% chance of rain with 5 mph winds from the SW.
Thursday June 30
Partly cloudy throughout the day.
High: 88° Low: 69° with a 5% chance of rain with 5 mph winds from the WNW.
Friday July 1
Partly cloudy throughout the day.
High: 93° Low: 77° with a 18% chance of rain with 7 mph winds from the SW.
Saturday July 2
Rain in the afternoon and evening.
High: 87° Low: 70° with a 63% chance of rain with 6 mph winds from the WSW.
Sunday July 3
Mostly cloudy throughout the day.
High: 85° Low: 62° with a 28% chance of rain with 5 mph winds from the NW.
There you have it! For more details, check out our weekly weather forecast.