Your Oradell weather forecast for Sunday, May 22 - Thursday, May 26

[Write a short paragraph of copy here about the weather]


Weather outlook for Sunday, May 22 - Thursday, May 26

Sunday May 22

Humid and partly cloudy throughout the day.

High: 92° Low: 61° with a 39% chance of rain with 8 mph winds from the SW.

Monday May 23

Mostly cloudy throughout the day.

High: 75° Low: 59° with a 19% chance of rain with 9 mph winds from the N.

Tuesday May 24

Mostly cloudy throughout the day.

High: 72° Low: 54° with a 5% chance of rain with 7 mph winds from the E.

Wednesday May 25

Overcast throughout the day.

High: 69° Low: 59° with a 18% chance of rain with 6 mph winds from the ESE.

Thursday May 26

Overcast throughout the day.

High: 75° Low: 65° with a 19% chance of rain with 5 mph winds from the SE.

There you have it! For more details, check out our weekly weather forecast.

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